In it for the long haul.
We're determined to prevent mistakes from happening more than once. While our founder's stories of flights are limitless, here are Marcus' specialties:
Perfect Mistakes
Why Errors Happen
As a Royal Air Force pilot, Planespoken’s founder witnessed the military go through a massive change. Over the span of 10 years, the military completely changed its culture by encouraging, instead of condemning, communications about mistakes. This talk will give you the tricks to transform your organisation’s culture and create a team dynamic that encourages constant improvement.
Bottoms Up
Leadership by Listening
Just as anyone can make a mistake, anyone can have a solution. In this dynamic talk, Marcus turns the typical military hierarchy upside-down to show that good ideas can come from anywhere. By pulling from personal experiences, audiences will learn that a fresh perspective is invaluable and that young people should be encouraged to speak freely.
In Process
Checklists FTW
For nearly every situation, a pilot follows a detailed pre-determined checklist, right down to the dress code for transit en route to work. While this level of detail might not be necessary for your organisation, having a set process can be the difference between mistakes and success. By learning about flying mistakes from the source, you’ll be inspired to take your business operations from scattered to autopilot.